The writer for the job.



OJO is the comprehensive platform that equips anyone with the tools they need to succeed in their home journey. But if you’re my mom, I’ll just tell you it’s like Zillow and more popular in Canada. As the brand’s sole writer, I worked on a little bit of everything from rebranding the website, writing messaging frameworks, making some ads, launching an Instagram presence, and sharing the most outrageously priced homes with my coworkers.

YouTube Video Ads

We were tasked with creating two different concepts that spoke to OJO’s brand promise. I definitely have a favorite, do you?


Save Search Campaign

Sure we all love to browse fancy homes on Zillow, but when it comes to actually looking for your next humble abode, things can get tough. Our home search site offers you the chance to select and save your features, but do people use it? Nope. Why? Because our UX research showed that people liked the idea of personalization but didn’t want to search it out or learn how to. The solution? Show them how to use it via email and then bring it right to them mid-browse with pop-up modules.


Pop-up Modules
